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Boutiquehotel het Eiland

Dorpsstraat 114
8899 AM Oost Vlieland
The Netherlands

Picture of someone using their phone to unlock the hotel door

Smart hotel

Our online system puts everything at your fingertips. There’s no physical reception desk. Check-in is done online with ease. Use your smartphone to access the hotel and your room, and check-out is automatic. This allows you to enjoy your stay at your own pace without any hassle. We are always available for any questions. No smartphone? No problem, we’ll provide you with a room key card effortlessly. Explore the island with peace of mind and relax at Het Eiland. We look forward to welcoming you.

Photo of Vlieland from the boat

The trip to Vlieland

The ferry to Vlieland departs from Harlingen. The crossing takes 1 hour and 30 minutes with the standard ferry. There is also an express service available, which takes around 45 minutes. For up-to-date ferry times, please visit the Rederij Doeksen website. We suggest booking the ferry in advance.

Check up-to-date ferry times

Hotel information

How do I get to the hotel?

Are pets allowed in the hotel?

Is the hotel child-friendly?

How does the smart hotel work?

Does the smart hotel work with all phones?

Is the online booking tool always up-to-date?

Is there a lift in the hotel?

Can you cook in the rooms?